Drunkard Tiger 2022 He is a tiger always drunk by Wine.
He loves Chinese Kung Fu and he learn Drunken Fist.
Every time when he drunk .
he will using Drunken Fist fight everybody in the bar.
Skill : The owner of this NFT, drunk is very normal.
In the CNY, Say 虎虎生威 to the drunkard master .
Then will receive a bottle of wine.
(Yearly Mission)
每一次佢飲醉既時候. 就會用醉拳同所有酒吧裡面既人既挑戰.
技能 : 擁有呢隻NFT,醉對於你黎講已經係日常.
係農曆新年期間, 同酒鬼大佬講 虎虎生威.